oh, no, mr. bill; another leibster!

Thanks to our lovely Lanney @ http://purplepoet7.wordpress.com/ , I am lifting my head, from the happy work of settling into a house, to answer her questions.

1. What is the first thing you hope people notice about who you are?

I am old enough to hope for nothing, as t.s. eliot, (another ’26’ i.e. our day of birth) said.

“I said to my soul be still, and wait without hope; for hope would be hope of the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet fath. But the faith, and the love, and the hope are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: so the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.”

What I think people notice is what some would deem ‘quirkiness’, and others, closer kin to me, would call ‘creative’. I might suggest ‘kintsugi’. I have been broken and mended, with Light. Blessed be.

2. What does someone have to “get” about you in order to be considered a close friend?

I might appear aloof, but I have a very tender heart/mind. It will take some time for me to trust you. I am worth it, as are you.

3. If you could broadcast a hypnotic message to convince everyone in the world of one thing, what would it be?

Relax. (I am again, quoting a teacher,
in this case, Marianne Williamson, who says that the whole Course in Miracles could be summed up as “relax”. )

4. Do you have a ritual or a mental image you use when you need to calm down?

I stop focusing on what upset me, and go general, as my teacher advises. Meaning, I back away from the specifics, and remember the good things that I have. The blessings far outweigh what I am upset about.

5. What would your best friend say is your best quality?

I have no idea. I don’t really want to give it more thought than I already have.
I know I love people that love better than I do. I know that I am nothing, if not the perpetual student.

6. What do you think is the most important thing for a couple to share?

Admiration. Pure and simple. Mutual admiration.

7. If you had unlimited funds to build your dream home, what would it have to feature?

The elements (meaning fire, water, earth, air) with boulders and a living tree coming up through the floor of at least one of the rooms.

8. Could 14-year-old you have accurately predicted anything about your life today?

Yes and no. I remember pondering my future, at about the age of 8 or 9. All that I could intuit was, that it was ‘dark’ in the middle of my life, and happier towards the end. Indeed, so it has been.

9. What do you do for yourself when you feel you’ve earned some indulgence?

Honestly? I smoke and drink a bit and watch a good movie/story. I have a wonderful life,
as I am able to do this every day, after putting in a good day’s work/play.

10. What never fails to melt your heart?

My mate’s love and my child.

I am supposed to nominate 10 of my favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination.
and I am supposed to come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
I respectfully decline, my dears, since I do not have 10 favorite blogs. Not to mention, it took me all morning  ∞  to answer the questions.  

Namaste’, my beauties…